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John Branyan's Comedy Sojourn Podcast

Feb 27, 2017

TRIGGER ALERT! - We're gonna talk about stupid women (hypothetically) again. So don't listen too long after the chicken update.

I catch up with my wife, Lori, (next to the dishwasher) for an update on the various animal activities around our home. I say she's a weirdo. She does not agree, but she does not...

Feb 20, 2017

Peaches helped the kids make a 'smash cake' and Cami explains the purpose of such a thing. Luke may win an award so he gets a cake too. Family makes cake whether you deserve it or not. Everyone makes an effort to surprise Daddy when he comes home. It's surprising.  It makes Daddy happen when everyone thinks about him....

Feb 13, 2017

Single people, like short people, got no reason to live. Whether or not you agree with this depends on whether or not you attend church and are a single person. Peaches and I discuss single status and Christianity. We analyze the use of the word 'single' when the word 'divorced' is more accurate. We're not saying...

Feb 6, 2017

*** Warning ***  

This episode is kinda blunt. This is how we talk in real life. You've been warned.

I'm getting over being pretty sick. Peaches is not sympathetic because she's pretty hard-hearted. She brags about not puking for decades. Whoopie doo! Then we talk about girls who are stupid. Once again, we hint at how...