Sep 30, 2019
We'll tell you the discount code for Vacay with Comics! You can go here to participate in pre-registration:
The Peaches and I are giving a talk this Sunday. We're going through it on the podcast to try and figure out what we're going to say. It's based around the question: Do...
Sep 23, 2019
Been a tough week for me, Pkarlgh. Before we get into the details, Andrew explains how to make Kool-Aid Pickles. Then I catch some heat for telling a pastor who wants to leave the church to go ahead and leave the church. I'm puzzled why the church isn't even a little upset when a pastor accuses the church of abuse while...
Sep 16, 2019
Hey Pkarlgh, it's Collin's 6th birthday and this podcast was recorded under a gigantic crepe paper spiderweb. Another tragic suicide has us talking about mental illness and the ramifications it brings to Christian culture. The Peaches gives a piece of her mind to an online counselor and it's kind of scary.
Sep 9, 2019
Some details for Vacay with Comics! It's a go, Pkarlgh. I celebrate my birthday by confusing the restaurant staff. We throw around some favorite movie quotes and ponder why The Peaches doesn't have a sense of humor. Then we all discuss the possibility that comedy is a masculine characteristic and the trouble it creates...
Sep 5, 2019
Sometimes I preach at my church. This sermon is based on 2nd Timothy and features a story about infected baby fingers, the scandal of almond milk, and a power strip plugged into itself.