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John Branyan's Comedy Sojourn Podcast

Jun 26, 2017

THIS EPISODE: Bed Wetting Philosophy with Kenn Kington. Recorded while I paced around the neighborhood waiting for Andrew to finish mowing a lawn. This is a good conversation, Pkarlgh!  I wish the telephone was a little clearer.
Kenn Kington starts with some cataclysmic pronouncements regarding laundry. This could...

Jun 19, 2017

THIS EPISODE: The Game Convention! and Father's Day!
In the car, Jason and I head to Columbus Ohio to get our 'geek on' at the game convention. We're meeting JT at the Convention Center and he is the original game geek. In fact, it's his fault that I am currently addicted. It's my fault that Jason is addicted. We are...

Jun 12, 2017

Okay. I didn't get any interviews from the CCA Conference. I'll make it up to you! I promise!
Driving home from Iowa I encounter more toll booths than any three people experience in a lifetime. This prompts me to suggest some slogans for the State of Illinois. Then I talk about the weariness of travel...

Jun 5, 2017

I'm at the Christian Comedy Association convention today, Pkarlgh! Gonna be A LOT of weird interviews next week (maybe for the rest of my life). So stay tuned.
I'm setting up the Springapalooza show with Peter Heck because we're small potatoes and we can't afford a road crew. You can listen in while I...